HOFOR supplies healthy drinking water to around 1 million people in the metropolitan area.

Our waterworks operate as completely closed systems, with no uncontrolled access to the water. The combination of this and a well-protected groundwater source means that it is not necessary to disinfect with chlorine, thus improving the chemical quality and taste of our tap water. We are certified according to ISO 22000.
We protect groundwater through afforestation projects and cultivation agreements with farmers, which ensures that neither herbicides nor pesticides are used near our well fields. Our work to reduce water wastage in the production and distribution network has lowered water loss to just 6%.
We have effectively lowered consumption per capita through save water campaigns, and we are constantly looking into opportunities to use water resources other than groundwater.
We are currently implementing central softening of drinking water at our waterworks, eliminating a number of problems for households and businesses stemming from lime in the water.
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