Skjult FaceBook tracking ikon Organisation - HOFOR


HOFOR – Greater Copenhagen Utility – supply drinking water, district heating, town gas, district cooling, dispose of wastewater. Furthermore, we estblish wind turbines and solar cell systems.

Vejlandshuset i HOFOR

HOFOR is responsible for the water supply and wastewater disposal in eight municipalities in the Copenhagen metropolitan area: Albertslund, Brøndby, Dragør, Herlev, Hvidovre, Copenhagen, Rødovre and Vallensbæk.

In addition, we supply Copenhagen with district heating, town gas and district cooling – and we establish solar cell systems and wind turbines.

We also own the Amagerværket power station, which produces electricity and district heating. We are co-owners of BIOFOS, which operates wastewater treatment plants in Greater Copenhagen.

HOFOR – Greater Copenhagen Utility – consists of a long list of companies. The ownership structure is complicated as some companies are jointly owned by several municipalities, while others are owned solely by the City of Copenhagen.